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ChessEvolve in Atlanta, March 9, 2024

Time Control: 4SS, G45+10

Rounds Time (EST): 9:30 AM, 11:15 AM, 1:15 PM, 3:00 PM

Lunch serving time: 12:00 PM ~ 2:00 PM, Chinese buffet lunch ($20 if purchase onsite)

Tournament with Lunch
(best value, recommended)

Tournament Entry Fee + $10 lunch

* Early bird discount applies

* Entry Fee: $45 by 2/18, $55 by 3/3, $65 by 3/8

Tournament w/o Lunch

Tournament Entry Fee

* Early bird discount applies

* Entry Fee: $45 by 2/18, $55 by 3/3, $65 by 3/8

Tournament with Lunch
+ Guest Lunch

Tournament Entry Fee + $25 lunch for two

* Early bird discount applies

* Entry Fee: $45 by 2/18, $55 by 3/3, $65 by 3/8

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